Protoc Validator

A protoc plugin for generating Go struct validation functions.


protoc-gen-validator is a protoc plugin that generates validation functions for Go structs, consistent in usage and functionality with the Thrift version of Validator. Developers can reference the annotation file extended by protoc-gen-validator and use these annotations to declare constraints on protobuf message and field. Finally, protoc-gen-validator will generate a Validate() error method for the corresponding message.


message Example {
  int64 Int64Const = 1 [(api.vt).const="123"]; // The value of 'Int64Const' must be equal to '123'
  optional double DoubleLe = 2 [(api.vt).le="123.45"]; // The value of 'DoubleLe' must be less than '123.45'
  optional bool BoolConst = 3 [(api.vt).const="true"]; // The value of 'BoolConst' must be 'true'
  optional string StringMaxSize = 4 [(api.vt).max_size="12"]; // The maximum length of 'StringMaxSize' is '12'
  optional bytes bytesPrefix = 5 [(api.vt).prefix="validator"]; // The prefix of 'bytesPrefix' must be 'validator'
  repeated string ListElem = 6 [(api.vt).elem.const="validator"]; // Each element of 'ListElem' must be 'validator'
  // All values of 'MapKeyValue' keys must be '123'
  // All values of 'MapKeyValue' keys must be greater than '100'
  // All values of 'MapKeyValue' values must be 'validator'
  // All prefixes of 'MapKeyValue' values must be 'validator'
  map<int32, string> MapKeyValue = 7 [(api.vt).key.const="123", (api.vt)"100", (api.vt).value.const="validator", (api.vt).value.prefix="validator"];
  optional int64 Func1 = 8 [(api.vt).gt = "@add($Int64Const, 1000)"]; // Use the built-in function 'add' to get the constraint value

Generated method:

func (m *Example) Validate() error {
  if m.GetInt64Const() != int64(123) {
    return fmt.Errorf("field Int64Const not match const value, current value: %v", m.GetInt64Const())
  if m.GetDoubleLe() > float64(123.45) {
    return fmt.Errorf("field DoubleLe le rule failed, current value: %v", m.GetDoubleLe())
  if m.GetBoolConst() != true {
    return fmt.Errorf("field BoolConst const rule failed, current value: %v", m.GetBoolConst())
  if len(m.GetStringMaxSize()) > int(12) {
    return fmt.Errorf("field StringMaxSize max_len rule failed, current value: %d", len(m.GetStringMaxSize()))
  _src := []byte("validator")
  if !bytes.HasPrefix(m.GetBytesPrefix(), _src) {
    return fmt.Errorf("field bytesPrefix prefix rule failed, current value: %v", m.GetBytesPrefix())
  for i := 0; i < len(m.GetListElem()); i++ {
    _elem := m.GetListElem()[i]
    _src1 := "validator"
    if _elem != _src1 {
      return fmt.Errorf("field _elem not match const value, current value: %v", _elem)
  for k := range m.GetMapKeyValue() {
    if k != int32(123) {
      return fmt.Errorf("field k not match const value, current value: %v", k)
    if k <= int32(100) {
      return fmt.Errorf("field k gt rule failed, current value: %v", k)
  for _, v := range m.GetMapKeyValue() {
    _src2 := "validator"
    if v != _src2 {
      return fmt.Errorf("field v not match const value, current value: %v", v)
    _src3 := "validator"
    if !strings.HasPrefix(v, _src3) {
      return fmt.Errorf("field v prefix rule failed, current value: %v", v)
  _src4 := m.GetInt64Const() + int64(1000)
  if m.GetFunc1() <= int64(_src4) {
    return fmt.Errorf("field Func1 gt rule failed, current value: %v", m.GetFunc1())
  return nil



  • protoc should be in $PATH
  • protoc-gen-go should be in $PATH/$GOPATH
  • protoc-gen-validator should be in $PATH/$GOPATH
  • Supports proto2/proto3 syntax, with a recommendation to use proto3 syntax


Execute the following command:

go install


  • version: Print the version of protoc-gen-validator
  • recurse: Recursively generate validation functions for dependent proto files
  • func: Specify the location of custom validation functions


The generated validation function (example_validate.pb.go) is in the same location as protoc-gen-go.

cd example

protoc \
  -I . \
  --go_out=. \
  --validator_out=. \

By default, the generated path for example_validate.pb.go is consistent with option go_package. You can use the paths=source_relative:. parameter to generate it in the location you want.

cd example

protoc \
  -I . \
  --go_out=. \
  --go_opt=source_relative \
  --validator_out=. \
  --validator_opt=source_relative \

If you want to specify the go module, it needs to be consistent with the prefix of option go_package, for example:

// option go_package="";
cd example

protoc \
  -I . \
  --go_out=. \ \
  --validator_out=. \ \


Currently, protoc-gen-validator only supports basic protobuf data types, and some WKTs types, such as Any, Oneofs, etc., will be supported gradually in the future.

The annotation “vt” is an abbreviation for “validate”.


All numeric types (float, double, int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, fixed32, fixed64, sfixed32, sfixed64) share the same constraint rules.

  • const: The value of the field must be a specific value
int32 Int32Const = 1 [(api.vt).const="123"];
  • lt/le/gt/ge: Represent <, <=, >, >= respectively
optional double DoubleLe = 2 [(api.vt).le="123.54"];
  • in/not_in: The value of the field must be/not be one of some specific values
// Since the 'in' constraint is a list, the syntax here is slightly different
optional fixed32 Fix32In = 3 [(api.vt)={in: ["123","456","789"]}];
  • not_nil: If the field is a pointer, then the pointer must not be nil
optional int64 I64NotNil = 4 [(api.vt).not_nil="true"];


  • const: The value of the field must be a specific value (true/false)
optional bool BoolConst = 1 [(api.vt).const="true"];
  • not_nil: If the field is a pointer, then the pointer must not be nil
optional bool BoolNotNil = 2 [(api.vt).not_nil="true"];


  • const: The value of the field must be a specific value
optional string StringConst = 1 [(api.vt).const="validator"];
optional bytes bytesConst = 2 [(api.vt).const="validator"];
  • pattern: Regular match
optional string StringPattern = 3 [(api.vt).pattern="[0-9A-Za-z]+"];
optional bytes bytesPattern = 4 [(api.vt).pattern="[0-9A-Za-z]+"];
  • min_size/max_size: Minimum/maximum length
optional string StringMinSize = 5 [(api.vt).min_size="12"];
optional bytes bytesMaxSize = 6 [(api.vt).max_size="12"];
  • prefix/suffix/contains/not_contains: Prefix, suffix, contains, does not contain
optional string StringPrefix = 7 [(api.vt).prefix="validator"];
optional string StringSuffix = 8 [(api.vt).suffix="validator"];
optional bytes bytesContain = 9 [(api.vt).contains="validator"];
optional bytes bytesNotContain = 10 [(api.vt).not_contains="validator"];
  • in/not_in: The value of the field must be/not be one of some specific values
// Since the 'in' constraint is a list, the syntax here is slightly different
optional string StringIn = 11 [(api.vt)={in:["123","456","789"]}];
optional bytes bytesNotIn = 12 [(api.vt)={not_in:["123","456","789"]}];
  • not_nil: If the field is a pointer, then the pointer must not be nil
optional string StringNotNil = 13 [(api.vt).not_nil="true"];


enum EnumType {
  TWEET = 0;
  RETWEET = 1;
  • const: The value of the field must be a specific value
optional EnumType Enum1 = 1 [(api.vt).const="EnumType.TWEET"];
  • defined_only: The value of the field must be a value defined by the enum
optional EnumType Enum2 = 2 [(api.vt).defined_only="true"];
  • not_nil: If the field is a pointer, then the pointer must not be nil
optional EnumType Enum3 = 3 [(api.vt).not_nil="true"];


  • min_size/max_size: Minimum/maximum number of elements
repeated string ListMinSize = 1 [(api.vt).min_size="12"];
  • elem: Constraints for elements within the list
repeated string ListBaseElem = 2 [(api.vt).elem.const="validator"];


  • min_size/max_size: Minimum/maximum number of elements
map<int32, string> MapISMinSize = 1 [(api.vt).min_size="10", (api.vt).max_size="30"];
  • key: Constraints for keys in the map
map<int32, string> MapKey = 2 [(api.vt).key.const="123", (api.vt)"12"];
  • value: Constraints for values in the map
map<int32, string> MapValue = 3 [(api.vt).value.const="validator", (api.vt).value.prefix="validator"]
  • no_sparse: If the value of the map is a pointer, then the pointer must not be nil
map<int32, MsgType> MapNoSparse = 4 [(api.vt).no_sparse="true"];

Message Field

  • skip: Skip the validation of the structure
optional MapValidate MsgField = 1 [(api.vt).skip="true"];

Message Level Rule

  • msg_vt.assert: The result of the expression specified by assert should be “true”, and parameter validation is performed from the perspective of the message
message StructValidate {
  option (api.msg_vt).assert = "@equal($MsgValidate,1)";
  optional int64 MsgValidate = 1;

Cross-domain Reference

  • Cross-domain reference: You can use the value of another domain as a validation constraint value, and the scope is the current structure
optional double DoubleLe = 1;
optional double Reference = 2 [(api.vt).le="$DoubleLe"];

Built-in Functions

protoc-gen-validator provides a set of built-in functions for writing validation rules.

function name arguments results remarks
len 1: container filed 1: length of container (integer) just like len of go
sprintf 1: format string 2+: arguments matching format 1: formatted string (string) just like fmt.Sprintf of go
now_unix_nano none 1: nano seconds (int64) just like time.Now().UnixNano() of go
equal 1, 2: comparable values 1: whether two arguments is equal (bool) just like == of go
mod 1, 2: integer 1: remainder of 1/1/2 (integer) just like % of go
add 1, 2: both are numeric or string 1: sum of two arguments (integer or float64 or string) just like + of go

Custom Validation Functions

protoc-gen-validator provides a method to extend validation functions. Now you can use the func parameter to customize your validation functions. For example:

cd example

protoc \
  -I . \
  --go_out=. \
  --validator_out=. \
  --validator_opt=func=my_func=path_to_template.txt \

my_func is the name of the function, and path_to_template.txt is the template file for the function, which should be a standard Go template. Available template variables are as follows:

Variable Name Meaning Type
Source variable name that rule will refer to string
Function data of current function *“”.ToolFunction

Last modified September 6, 2024 : doc(xds): add xds feature document (#1126) (6235b19)